WARNING: This post is [R] rated. But I wanted...er, needed to get it off my chest. And I'm sure you all watch movies with some level of adult situations and violence, whether you're supposed to or not, so deal with it. I hope this strikes a chord in all of my readers, and provokes some introspection as to who you are, who you want to be, and what you're doing to fulfill both.
Several weeks ago, in Vail, a local resident (that has had past run-ins with the law) visited a local establishment, got drunk and belligerent, and pulled a loaded handgun while being escorted out, killing one innocent bystander and wounding several others. Come to find out after the fact, the man suffered from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) from a tour in Vietnam, where he was a radio repairman (while he apparently told people he was an Army Ranger). That's not to belittle him for the part he played - but it's not exactly shooting an M-16 into the jungle at who-knows-what.
[Noted that I was not in Vietnam, so I don't know first hand the experiences of those who were. I'm just saying there's a logical difference between soldering printed circuit boards and emptying a clip from a machine gun while under duress yourself.]
Anyway, he went off his medication for a while and was apparently delirious.
Today, a friend brings to me word of YouTube videos allegedly showing a gang in downtown Denver picking out a random person and beating him senseless. I have a little more taste, class and human decency than to try and find this video, so I'll take this information at face value. It should also be said that if this is actually true, I do not know the circumstances (Was the person alone? With a loved one? With a group of friends?), nor do I know the reality of the situation (Was the person truly random? Was it a person someone in the gang knew? Did the victim say something or do something to provoke the fight?).
Both happenings stirred the same thought from a number of people: That taking advantage of Colorado's legalized weapon-carrying is a good idea, and should be taken advantage of.
For the people that think this is the right solution, that somehow carrying a loaded handgun while your going to a bar, or out to dinner, or whatever is going to alleviate the problem -
Let it be known I am a right-wing Republican (though farther left than many believe). I believe in the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. I believe that anyone has the right to own a gun. Multiple, if you want. I've got a couple. Frankly, I grew up hunting in Kansas, learning how to properly use and care for firearms. I can sit behind a trap arm and break 46 out of 50 blue rock with a pump-action .410, tomorrow if need be. I participated in target practice with my dad in Arizona, shooting a .22 six-shooter at old beer cans, at the ripe ol' age of 6. I might even say I'm pretty good with a gun; some I know might agree.
But it has never crossed my mind to carry a gun with me when the reason was other than to harvest the animals God put on his green earth for specifically that purpose, or to practice or enjoy the purity of the sport by targeting inanimate objects, like blue rock (trap, clay pigeons, whatever else you call them) and the like.
First of all, if you're going to tell me with a straight face that with a number of society's delinquents threatening, you would (a) be willing and (b) be able to pull a gun, stick it in someone's face, and pull the trigger, and
fully understand the ramifications of your actions - you're either militarily trained (and you're likely going to win the fight), you're an idiot (and you don't understand), or you're no better than they are (and have absolutely no human decency). And then, with exception of the first possibility, they're going to kill you. That's why they're called a 'gang' - there's more than one. You ain't gonna kill em' all with your Beretta. Do you honestly think, in your twisted little world, that
not one of them has a gun as well? Which means you're a dead man. Fucking brilliant - you made the third page of tomorrow morning's Post. YOU CAN'T UNDO WHAT JUST HAPPENED - THIS IS NOT A FUCKING VIDEO GAME.
Second, let me play a hypothetical scenario out for you. Say the guy in the bar in Vail pulls his gun, just like he did. Say you have one on you. So you whip it out, and shoot at him. Only you miss (because you ain't John Wayne, holmes), and hit the innocent waitress in the back of the room. Let's go one further, and say it was a busy night, and someone else brought a 'piece' with them. They yank it and blast away. Now there's three stupid motherfuckers shooting guns in the room, not just one. How many people get killed in that scenario? Sure, the original gunman eventually (in the
best case outcome of this little experiment) gets killed, but in all reality, he isn't the only one in a body bag at the end of the night. And to top it off, the you and the other gun-toter are now participants in the legal system, pleading "self defense". True, it is self defense, kind of. But my tax dollars are paying for your little trip through the courtroom. So fuck you - I ain't paying for your ass. Why should I see my donations to Uncle Sam funding your blatant fucking stupidity?
Finally, this idea of carrying a handgun is the prototypical "How do I get out of a situation?", where what people should be focusing on is STAYING OUT OF THE FUCKING SITUATION TO BEGIN WITH. Granted, there is a level of randomness associated with both these incidents. The shooting in Vail is the first homicide in the town in 30 years, and frankly, was a freak act that could happen anywhere. People should treat it as such. It sounds inhumane, but chalk it up to shitty luck; my condolences and sympathy to those who were truly affected by this senseless action. Do you really think it's going to do you any good to carry a loaded gun with you from now on, waiting for the next incident to happen 30 years from now? Why waste your time? Why stress yourself out? Why provide yourself with opportunity for accidents to happen? Why provide yourself with the opportunity to get drunk and belligerent, and shoot someone yourself? Worked out pretty well for Plaxico Burress, huh? The problem that occured in downtown Denver may be less random, but there is still a randomness to it. But you have heard it happen before. Why tempt fate? In a city the size of Denver, why push your luck, and visit someplace with a known repetitive violent history after dark? Don't give me the "just going to dinner" or "doing some shopping" bullshit. There fantastic restaurants and wonderful stores all over the city. Be smart about it - take friends with you, or go during the day - or just stay the fuck out. Let's put it this way - if I ever thought I would need to carry a gun to feel safe somewhere that didn't currently involve a lot of sand, rocks, and people that speak in a different tongue and believe in an extremist religion,...well, gee-whiz, I'd probably NOT GO THERE.
Like I said, I believe in the Second Amendment. I believe in the right to keep and bear arms. I believe in the
intent of the Second Amendment. But I also believe that people need to be smart enough to understand when to exercise that right, and to understand the consequences of exercising that right.
Too many people in today's society act first, think second. Very few, in the heat of the moment, truly understand the implications of their actions or
even their suggestions.
People need to use their head for something other than the place they're going to shove their next fucking cheeseburger. Leave the law enforcement to the enforcers of the law. That's what we pay them for.