Monday, May 31, 2010

What's up, Homies!?!

Yeah, call it 'busy', call it 'bored', call it 'lazy'. Whatever it is, it's why I haven't posted anything for a while.

So, here ya go.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Rant Of The Day - By Someone Else

Rant of the Day brought to you by Representative Tom McClintock (R-CA).  I couldn't put it any better.

Rep. McClintock is the smartest man alive (next to me, of course).  He must be our next President.

Some Closure

According to the Vail Daily, some closure is finally coming to "Leadville 100-gate", as Wendy Lyall has plead guilty to a misdemeanor charge of third-degree criminal trespass.  Slap on the hand, stay out of trouble, take a "Bike Safety Course" (to which RR&M says WHAT THE FUCK?), and it goes away.

“I think, given the crime, given the fact that she had as spotless criminal history, this is a fair agreement,” Hurlbert said.

Given the crime?

She used another racer's number in an amateur bike race!

Is it embarrassing?  Absolutely.

Was it wrong, morally?  Unarguably.

Was it criminal?  Not in the least.

How 'bout you stop wasting everyone's time and my fucking tax dollars, you fucking idiot.

May Mark Hurlbert be attacked by an Alot.  And if any of you vote for him in the next election, for ANY reason, may you also be attacked by an Alot.

And Chlouber still has shitty hair.

Monday, May 24, 2010

It's Monday

Let's get things started off right.

Ummm, no thanks.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

MSC #2 - Chalk Creek Stampede

Finally, getting around to the race report I promised earlier.

Sid Taberlay, Jeremy Horgan-Kobelski, and Colin Cares riding up the main climb

Sunday, May 16, I took a trip to the bustling metropolis of Nathrop, CO (don't blink, you'll miss it) for the second stop on the Mountain States Cup circuit - the Chalk Creek Stampede.

This race also served as the second stop on the US Cup Triple Crown series, a three-venue challenge to the elite professional endurance mountain bike racers in the country.  Big payouts mean big names.

With all that hoopla, the Pro men and women started off at 11:30am, meaning we caught the beginning of their race as spectators before we had to start warming up for our 1:45pm start.  Jeremy Horgan-Kobelski (Subaru/Gary Fisher), the reigning National XC and Marathon Champion, took the win over our local (and former National Marathon Champion) Jay Henry (Tokyo Joe's) and Sid Taberlay (ShoAir/Specialized) in the men's race; Georgia Gould (Luna) put a huge gap into Kelli Emmett (Giant) and Katie Compton (Planet Bike/Stevens Bikes) in the women's race.

Backdrop of the Cat 2 19-29 race

Course was relatively the same as last year, with exception of the main climb.  Last year, the climb turned more directly up the hill, and even the best pros had to hike their bikes up the hill.  This year, the meandered the singletrack a little more cross-hill, so it was all ridable.  Awesome.  Anyways, the layout consists of a mile and a half of sandy doubletrack out of the start gate, which is slightly downhill.  Turning off of the doubletrack, we hopped on a pretty flat singletrack that was a straight-shot across a cow pasture.  After a little punchy knoll, the singletrack gave way to more sandy doubletrack as we started ascending the hill.  The doubletrack turns back to singletrack after about 60 yards, and the ascent finally begins.  It's not a lot, but it's pretty steep - 200 feet in less than half a mile.

Once up on the upper plateau, the trail is a long, twisty, sandy-over-hardpack singletrack with tons of little "baby head" rocks.  The upper plateau trail has a couple of quick technical drops into a sand pit, then right back up a punchy rise on the other side...but usually, momentum could be used to clear most of the climb up the other side.  In general, though, the trail continues to climb gradually.  Finally, the trail pops out onto the "Fenceline" - a long, straight stretch of doubletrack that is usually directly into the wind.  With the lack of sage or bushes, and the fact you can see miles ahead of you, the racer's mind is tricked into thinking it's flat...but it's not.  Rather, it's a mile long stretch that climbs about 150 feet - that's a 3 percent grade.

Get to the end of the Fenceline, an a hard 180-degree left hand corner leads into a long, flowy sandy singletrack roughly paralleling back, but meandering closer to the edge of the plateau.  Along this section, there's a tree that the singletrack goes under.  Well, the tree is only trimmed to about four feet off the trail.  So, you're hauling ass at more than 25mph down this singletrack, and all of a sudden, someone like me has to get into this Pilates pose, literally kissing the handlebar, to get under it.  Soon after, the course descends off the ridge.  Downhill, relatively technical simply from how loose it is.  Lots of people take diggers through this section.  Hard right at the bottom, and hop onto a section I'll describe as "power technical" - lots of off-camber sandy whoopty-doos and sweeping corners.  Eventually the singletrack straightens out and heads into the trees along Chalk Creek, where the trail turns back left and starts heading toward the Start/Finish.  Lots of roots through this section, with a couple of tricky little moves.  A punch up a sharp hill (with lots of crowds gathering) gets you back to the original sandy doubletrack and the Start/Finish line.  Laps are about 7+ miles.

My goal for this race was just to get a good race under my belt.  With nutrition and mechanical mishaps at both Sea Otter and the MSC #1 race, I needed to see how well I would do just finishing without problems.  About 20 of us lined up at the start for four laps of racing fun.

Come on, man...really?

Off the starting line, a pileup occurred right behind me.  Awesome.  I mean, really.  Category 1 in USA Cycling terms is a combination of Semi-Pro and Expert category riders.  And someone couldn't make it more than 20 feet before hitting the deck.  Everyone recovered, and caught back up with our front group.  Then, just after we hit the first section of singletrack, the guy in 5th or so hit a basketball-sized rock...the ONLY rock there...and augered in HARD.  Ass-over-tea kettle, bike went flying up in the air.  Everyone went scrambling off to the sides to avoid the collision.  So we're less than 10 minutes into the race, and we've had two wrecks.

It became obvious to me that there are two different groups in our race - there are an elite group of five or six, then the rest of us that definitely belong, but can't stay at the front.  I hung with that front group until just shy of the Fenceline...and had to let go.  Just couldn't keep that pace anymore.  After that point, I would find myself riding relatively alone for the remainder of the race...the rest of us were relatively splintered up.  I felt great most of the day...

On lap 3, a guy in my group caught up to me from behind, and we rode together, trading pulls, for the rest of the race.  By the time we were almost to the Fenceline on lap 4, my back was shot from pushing such a big gear along the Fenceline.  The other racer went around me and I tried to hold his wheel, but the pain in my lower back was excruciating.  I ended up losing sight of him through the trees at the bottom of the course, so once again, all alone.

Crossed the line in officially 2:03:36, which was good enough for 9th.  All in all, I was very pleased with my effort, and learned a lot.  The only thing I was honestly disappointed with was the fact that I was that close to going under two hours, but I wasn't too worried about it.  Probably wasn't any higher than 6th in the race the entire day, which tells me I rode a really consistent race.

The mind trip with racing this year is how good everyone has become.  I beat last years' WINNING time by a minute, and finished mid-pack.

Anyway, that's the story.

K's on the way home for burgers, fries and a Coke.  Yum.  Any time you may be in the vicinity of Buena Vista, CO - do yourself a favor...stop at K's.  Grab a burger, grab a shake.  You won't be disappointed.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Caption Test

Just seeing if the caption HTML code I recently added works.

Right Justified

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Left Justified

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Crash Wreckler

In yesterday's Amgen Tour of California Stage 5, about 13 miles into the stage, Lance Armstrong goes down.


Tried to ride it off, but from his own account, "My eye was swollen, so I couldn't see properly, and I couldn't grip the handlebar from the pain in my elbow."

So he took his ball, err, bike, and went home.  Let's hope he heals up for the Dauphine and the TdF.

Armstrong getting a little help.  Ouch.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

On A Whiter Note

Fitting 'tongue-in-cheek' post title, given the previous blog.

Ha ha...he looks ridiculous.

Just Fix The Fence

So, as some of you know, illegal immigration is a "hot button" of mine.  Push it, and you're sure to get a rather blunt and direct response.  I live in a hotbed of Hispanic immigration, and it's a pretty rare occasion that a day goes by where my life isn't somewhat affected by it.  Frankly, there are more illegals here than I care to know about.

Many of my friends want to just broad-brush my feelings as "racism", and how I just don't like Mexicans.  Frankly, this reaction really pisses me off, because it simply isn't true.  Just because I'm not an uber-liberal Democrat doesn't mean I'm a racist.  I have a number of friends around this area with Hispanic descent.  I harbor no ill will or feelings toward these acquaintances.

I do have a problem, though, with people that are in this country illegally.  Doesn't matter if they're black, white, brown, yellow, pink, or green.  It just so happens that the largest populace that is unlawfully in this country is Mexican.
No one is arguing that you're human - just that you're not here legally.

Why is it every other civilized (and even, by current human rights standards, uncivilized) country on the planet has immigration rules?  Christ, even MEXICO will fine you, jail you, and deport you if you're in their country without a passport or other legal documentation.  Even the fucking Swiss, supposedly the nicest people on the planet, have stringent and tough immigration laws.

But here in the US, the land of hypocrisy and "me too", as soon as a State wants to actually enforce the laws that are already in place regarding immigration, because the Federal Government is a bunch of money-grubbing liars and won't deal with the problem, our fucking Democrat President has the audacity to criticize this direction.

From the New York Times:

"During the 2008 campaign, Barack Obama had said that immigration reform, including a plan to make legal status possible, would be a priority in his first year in office.  But the economic downturn and the drawn out legislative fight over healthcare pushed it off the agenda in 2009."

Fucking liar.  11.9 Million illegals in this country - that's more than immigrants that are actually supposed to be here.

Which tells me this - these uber-liberal Democrats think its just fine and dandy for someone to come into town, provide some level of basic, physical service (laborers and such), send all their money back to their home country, pay no State income tax, pay no Federal income tax, abuse our current healthcare system - which (a) I help pay for, and (b) artificially inflates healthcare costs across the board - then have fifteen fucking kids that are all now automatically naturalized citizens of the US, so I get to pay for their WIC stamps, their Welfare checks, and send them to school so they can bog down and sabotage the educational system in this country.  THEN, as if this couldn't get any better, they go and commit some stupid fucking crime that MY tax dollars then have to be used for to prosecute them, and I get to pay for Social Services to remove their kids from a 'bad situation'.

In recap:  They take US money and send it outside the US.  They work jobs that would normally require payment of taxes to operate this country.  Then they use monies - taxes and personal income - that they didn't produce that is just given to them out of the "human spirit".  Then I'm stuck raising their kids.

And exactly how does that help the economy recover?

What.  The.  Fuck.

Arizona's SB 1070 bill simply is allowing the officers of the law to properly enforce that very law.  It is no different than being pulled over by a highway patrolman on suspicion of drunk driving, which no one bitches about.  But for some reason, people think its inhumane to ensure the welfare and safety of the lawfully-residing public by enforcing the laws that are already in place.  Will some people be questioned about their status unnecessarily?  Absolutely.  Just like if you get pulled over for doing 40 in a 35 at 1:00am on a Friday night, there's a decent chance you may be going through sobriety tests.  It's suspicion that you're doing something illegal.

So, one state makes steps in the right direction, while another decides to shoot themselves in the foot.

But let's face it, people - the biggest problem is with Mexico.  No one says, "Man, I wish those Canadians would just go back to Canada."  I can't remember the last time an illegal from Germany being a problem for me.  But innocent people are being shot by illegal Mexicans in the border states.  What this country is experiencing in the southwest is not immigration - it's an invasion.  And the legal citizens of the country are letting it happen - with reckless abandon, even.  These idiots don't even know what they're protesting anymore.

"Ooh, Phil Jackson is showing some support for the enforcement of immigration laws.  Let's go protest the game!"  Fucking morons.

The Government needs to do something about this problem.  The US is heading toward a crisis.  Either the Government will start enforcing these immigration laws to their full effect, the true citizens of the US will take up arms and solve it themselves, or someday, your kids will be pledging their allegiance to the Stars & Stripes in a red, white, and green hue.

Monday, May 17, 2010

More Leadville 100 Fiasco

An editorial reaction to the Leadville 100 issues from the Vail Daily.

Monday Fodder

As I sit here at work, super-unmotivated and exhausted from yesterday's XC race, I thought I would grace you with some reading fodder from the weekend:

Ronnie James Dio - RIP.  Passed from a battle with stomach cancer at the age of 67.

Also, a very good blog entry on the Leadville 100 fiasco, from Joe Lindsey at Bicycling Magazine.

Two straight days of sunshine.  Pinch me.

Finally, Kajagoogoo.  Don't ask why.

"You're too shy, shy...hush hush, eye to eye...too shy, shy...hush huuuuuuuush..."

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Tire. d.

Holy balls, I'm worn out.  Didn't feel that bad after today's race, but now that I'm home, it's hit me like a ton of bricks.

Race report coming later.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Rant Of The Day - It's Just Mountain Biking

Out of respect for the Defendants and their legal Counsel, this post has been temporarily removed.

RR&M fully supports Katie and Wendy through their unnecessarily difficult time.


- Big E

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sunday Teaser

It's Sunday - time for another installment of "Rant Of The Day".

Gotta head out to Glenwood Springs to watch Erin run in the Mother's Day Mile, but we'll RANT when I get back.

Let's just say it involves two Vail Valley women, felony charges...and a mountain bike race.

Out of respect for the Defendants and their legal Counsel, this post has been modified.

RR&M fully supports Katie and Wendy through their unnecessarily difficult time.

- Big E  

Monday, May 3, 2010

iPhone Playlist Update

Been on a little of a classic rock kick lately.  Not sure why.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Bike Sale

I'm selling my 2006 Specialized Epic Comp.  I'm on the 29er train, and have no plans to get off.

Info about the bike:

2006 Specialized Epic Comp, size XL (roughly 21.5")

Original owner, professionally and meticulously maintained.

Raced for three seasons.  Bike never involved in crash of any sort.  Couple of very minor scratches along seatstay from use.  Bike was washed and inspected after every ride.  Nearly all paint chips or scratches have been touched up; a few on the bottom of the bottom bracket still exist.  No creaks, squeaks, or other odd noises.

This bike has been completely tuned and ready to sell.  Makes a great starter XC race bike or, with the 100mm front and rear travel, an extremely efficient trailbike.

Frame:  M5 Aluminum Alloy
Fork:  Fox F100 RL (overhaul/new seals/etc. end of 2009), decals a little scuffed from use, rubbed paint from brake line
Shock:  Fox Float with Specialized Brain Fade (overhaul/new seals/etc. end of 2009), 100mm travel
Headset:  1-1/8" threadless Aheadset sealed bearing
Stem:  140mm Kore Ultralite
Handlebar:  Easton MonkeyLite XC Riser
Grips:  ODI Ruffian Lock-on
Shifters:  Shimano LX Rapidfire
Front Der:  Shimano LX
Rear Der:  Shimano XTR
Crankset:  Shimano XT (new little/mid chainrings September 2009)
Bottom Bracket:  Race Face (overhauled September 2009)
Cassette:  Shimano HG-50
Chain:  SRAM (new September 2009, has about 40 miles on it)
Brakes:  Shimano XT hydraulic disc
Saddle:  Specialized Avatar 155
Wheel F:  Mavic XC317 3x to Specialized STOUT hub
Tire F:  Specialized Resolution Dual Compound 26x2.00 (has about 5 miles on it)
Wheel R:  Mavic XC317 3x to Shimano M565 hub
Tire R:  Specialized Resolution Dual Compound 26x2.00 (has about 5 miles on it)
Brand new cables, housing

$1200 OBO

Email me at if you're interested.  Will ship UPS GROUND for $75.

Spring My Ass

'Nuff said.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Colorado in Spring, Pt I

Craggly-ass mountains in Summit County. Thought it was a cool scene.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone