Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Some Closure

According to the Vail Daily, some closure is finally coming to "Leadville 100-gate", as Wendy Lyall has plead guilty to a misdemeanor charge of third-degree criminal trespass.  Slap on the hand, stay out of trouble, take a "Bike Safety Course" (to which RR&M says WHAT THE FUCK?), and it goes away.

“I think, given the crime, given the fact that she had as spotless criminal history, this is a fair agreement,” Hurlbert said.

Given the crime?

She used another racer's number in an amateur bike race!

Is it embarrassing?  Absolutely.

Was it wrong, morally?  Unarguably.

Was it criminal?  Not in the least.

How 'bout you stop wasting everyone's time and my fucking tax dollars, you fucking idiot.

May Mark Hurlbert be attacked by an Alot.  And if any of you vote for him in the next election, for ANY reason, may you also be attacked by an Alot.

And Chlouber still has shitty hair.

1 comment:

  1. Big E, forget the VD. Please link to my much more accurate post. http://wp.me/pzqev-mc, at my blog Ex-Pat Ex-Lawyer www.abusivediscretion.wordpress.com

    VD has Wendy taking bicycle safety classes, instead of teaching them. (Writer is sympathetic, but doesn't have a legal background. and fwiw, she is interested in speaking to someone in the Wendy/Katie camp). I will also be doing a follow up post that has Hurl's quotes (he won't speak to me any more)and a more detailed interview with Ken Chlouber.

    Chlouber did not favor continued criminal prosecution. He said Hurl ignored him. That fits Hurl's MO to a T, and I have Chlouber recorded. He said I can put anything on the record.

    I would already have my follow up post done, except I learned late last night that Hurl was conducting a behind the scenes petition campaign to make the GOP ballot. Apparently, a 71-29 percent defeat did not send him a message. Here's that post.


    Please comment away and link. All my new mountain bike racing readers are motivating me to get in shape. Once again, nice blog.
